Hemarus Plasma: Why Donate Plasma for Opa-Locka Citizen?

Hemarus Plasma: Why Donate Plasma for Opa-Locka Citizen?

When you donate plasma, you are donating life. Hemarus Plasma at Lauderhill Mall is waiting for you if you are looking for plasma donations for Opa-Locka, Florida Citizens.  

"Opa-locka is a city in Miami-Dade County, Florida with a population of 15,219 according to the 2010 U.S. Census. Glenn Curtiss established the city with a Thousand and One Nights theme in mind. With streets like Sabur Lane, Sultan Avenue, Ali Baba Avenue, Perviz Avenue, and Sesame Street, Opa-locka boasts the biggest collection of Moorish Revival architecture in the Western Hemisphere. The city is located in the northwestern part of Miami-Dade County, Florida, and has a total land area of 4.2 square miles. Opa-locka is an acronym of Opa-tisha-wocka-locka (or Opatishawockalocka), a Seminole place name that means "wooded hummock" or "high, dry hummock."

Plasma is a key ingredient used in treating life-threatening conditions like hemophilia, trauma, immune deficiencies, and other range of blood disorders. Your plasma donation bridges people to live a healthier and happier life. In fact, it’s also called “The gift of life.” 

America supplies two-thirds of the world’s plasma. According to the Marketing Research Bureau, the plasma donation industry is worth $24 billion in 2021 and it is predicted to double by 2027, given the global demand rise by 6% to 8% each year. Even before the scare of COVID-19, there was a high demand for plasma, but the numbers just kept on growing considering the promising treatment of plasma for COVID-19 patients. 

There is no synthetic alternative for plasma and this is why the industry heavily relies on its donors. Thousands of Americans rely on plasma donations to sustain their life. A 90-minute plasma donation could generate them five times beyond the federal minimum wage. The Center for Health Care Research and Policy reported that 57% of plasma donors said their income comes from donating plasma. 

If you are coming from a good heart and trying to make up for a living, Hemarus Plasma compensates for every plasma donation made. You could earn up to $800 a month by just donating plasma. Donors contributing to specialized programs can be compensated higher. 

Help save lives by donating plasma at Hemarus Plasma in Lauderhill Mall. For more information, pay a visit or head over to their website. 

About Hemarus Plasma 

Hemarus Plasma is an FDA-licensed plasma facility specializing in collecting plasma for particular medications, treatment, and prevention of diseases. Hemarus Plasma provides a safe, professional, and pleasant plasma donation environment led by a pool of experts. 

With state-of-the-art technologies, Hemarus Plasma provides the best in donor’s comfort. Help save lives by donating your plasma today! Hemarus is conveniently located at Lauderhill Mall

What is plasma? 

Plasma is the liquid portion of the blood, which blood cells are suspended. They are yellow and serve different functions like maintaining blood pressure and supplying blood clots and immunity proteins. It is essential in the health and medical field as it is used to create medication and treatment for life-threatening diseases. 

Everyone has plasma. But not everyone can donate. If you take some sort of medication, the drug can make you ineligible to donate plasma. The best way to know if you are qualified to donate plasma is by visiting Hemarus Plasma at Lauderhill Mall

How to donate to Hemarus Plasma?

  • Qualifications 

Most people in healthy conditions can donate plasma. Hemarus Plasma requires the following criteria to be able to contribute:

  • Must be in good health
  • Between the ages of 18 and 65 years old
  • Must weigh at least 110 pounds
  • Must not have body piercing or tattoos in the last three months
  • A valid ID picture with the date of birth and physical address
  • A social security card or SIN card or BCC card 

If you want to know more about plasma donations and eligible to donate, visit Hemarus Plasma at Lauderhill Mall. You will be asked a series of medical questions and a physical examination if you are a good candidate for plasma donation. 

  • Plasma donation process 

Plasma is collected via a procedure known as Plasmapheresis, which is safe and sterile.  The process is identical to that of blood donation. On the other hand, the plasma is separated from the red blood cells, with the red blood cells being returned to the donor. Donors are also given a saline solution to replace any liquids lost during the donation process. Plasmapheresis is a one-time use disposable collecting system conducted by qualified medical experts. Following the donation, the disposable is discarded. 

The donation process takes around an hour from the time you walk into Hemarus Plasma and is done with the donor's health and well-being in mind.

Everything you need to know about plasma donations at Hemarus Plasma

  • How can I get paid after I donate my plasma?

Each successful plasma donation will result in a monetary reward. Upon completion, a debit card will be loaded and presented to the donor.

  • How long does it take to donate plasma?

It will take 3 to 4 hours for your initial visit and plasma donation. Before advancing to the actual plasma donation process, first-time donors must complete a health history questionnaire, verify ID, undergo a blood test, and pass a brief physical exam. 

  • What are the side effects of donating plasma?

The most typical side effects of donation are bruising at the donor site and feeling light-headed or dizzy. It is crucial to remember that plasmapheresis is a medical operation that should be treated with caution. Before donating, it is strongly advised that you consume enough water.

  • What are the requirements needed to donate plasma?

A government-issued photo ID (such as a driver's license), your social security card, and evidence of domicile are required (a piece of mail addressed to you at your current address, such as a utility bill, which has been postmarked within the past 30 days). Your photo ID must match the name on your Social Security card (or individual taxpayer ID number) exactly (ITIN). You will not be able to donate otherwise.

  • Should I schedule an appointment with Hemarus Plasma?

There is no need to schedule an appointment. First-time donors must arrive two hours before Hemarus Plasma closes.

  • Can I donate plasma when pregnant?

You are not permitted to donate if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

  • How many times can I donate plasma?

A plasma donor may give up to two donations in seven days, with a minimum of 48 hours between each donation.

About Lauderhill Mall 

Lauderhill Mall is located in central Broward County that offers well-known brands and unique products and services not found in most shopping malls is now serving Opa-Locka, Florida Citizens. We provide free monthly events for all ages to make shopping fun and enjoyable! We're open seven days a week, visit us!

Mall hours: Monday to Saturday - 10 AM to 8 PM Sunday - 11 AM to 6 PM 

Address: 1267 NW 40th AVE, Lauderhill, FL 33313

TODAY'S HOURS Wednesday, 10:00AM - 8:00PM


1267 NW 40th AVE
Lauderhill, FL 33313

The Lauderhill Mall has a mix of national and regional retailers, making it a great place to find both well-known brands and specialty items. The mall is open seven days a week and hosts free monthly events.

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