Lauderhill Mall Announces Free Holiday Train Rides

Lauderhill Mall Announces Free Holiday Train Rides

Holiday train rides for the kids and shopping for you -- everybody wins! 

There are several Christmas activities that you and your family can both enjoy this time of year. But sometimes, it’s fun to do everything outside! A little bit of leg stretching is fine, even if it means braving the cold and chilly weather. 

Lauderhill Mall brings the holiday train rides for your child’s enjoyment! This holiday train travels down to Christmas time. Plus, you don’t need to shell out anything. It’s free! Starting from the 5th of December until Christmas, enjoy unlimited holiday rides! If you’re looking for Christmas activities, this one might be a tradition for you and your family.

Spend your holidays at Lauderhill Mall

Because of the pandemic, some of your preferred Christmas traditions may need to be stopped. But this just means having more time, like sailing on one of Lauderhill Mall's train rides, to build new treasured memories.

Every month, the management of Lauderhill Mall announces events and partnerships to celebrate holidays and seasons. This Christmas season, we’re excited to announce that holiday train rides for little ones are free! Pay for no ticket and see your child enjoy the train rides. 

And while you are at the mall, take advantage to shop for your holiday gifts at our stores. From the latest clothing trends to jewelry and footwear, Lauderhill Mall got everything you need! 

Free holiday train rides 

Traveling by train with Santa and his assistants can be a festive way to celebrate the holiday season.

Whether you're a family who seeks a playful way to provide kids with unforgettable memories or adults looking for the greatest holiday gifts, you should not miss out on a holiday train rides at Lauderhill Mall! 

Make holidays more fun with free holiday train rides at Lauderhill Mall. As part of our December event series, all little ones can get a free holiday train ride this holiday season. 

The redemption policies are: 

  1. Pick up your ticket at any store inside Lauderhill Mall. 

  2. Only kids can redeem the free holiday train rides. 

  3. This free ride is only eligible every weekend until Christmas. 

Save the dates on these holiday train rides:

  • Saturday, December 4 - 1 PM - 5 PM 

  • Sunday, December 5 - 1 PM - 5 PM 

  • Saturday, December 11 - 1 PM - 5 PM 

  • Sunday, December 12 - 1 PM - 5 PM 

  • Saturday, December 18 - 1 PM - 5 PM 

  • Sunday, December 19 - 1 PM - 5 PM 

Exciting products and events await for you 

Lauderhill Mall is located in central Broward County that offers well-known brands and unique products and services not found in most shopping malls. We provide free monthly events for all ages to make shopping fun and enjoyable! We're open seven days a week, visit us!

Mall hours: 

Monday to Saturday - 10 AM to 8 PM 

Sunday - 11 AM to 6 PM 

Address: 1267 NW 40th AVE

Lauderhill, FL 33313

TODAY'S HOURS Wednesday, 10:00AM - 8:00PM


1267 NW 40th AVE
Lauderhill, FL 33313

The Lauderhill Mall has a mix of national and regional retailers, making it a great place to find both well-known brands and specialty items. The mall is open seven days a week and hosts free monthly events.

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